Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Announcements and Reminders for Wednesday, November 1:

Naomi Sawyer and Charles Sale will be here on TUESDAY, NOV 7th during CAVETime. They are new author's and they have written the fantasy series Chronicles of the Two Worlds. There was positive feedback from Frontier and Vista Heights.

We are asking that interested students come to the media center to sign up so we can get a count.

Students may preorder books at They would pay for these books on Nov. 7th with Leslie in the finance office.They are also available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

There will be a dance on Friday for all grades!  

This is a drawing of a real cemetery in London. 

Targets for Today:
I  can read for enjoyment, and participate in discussions about literature. 
 I can notice and appreciate the choices of words, phrases, and sentences made by an author. 
 I can consider the setting of a story, and how it affects the story. 

Today’s  Agenda:
💀  Collect favorite phrases, sentences, words. 
Watch for interesting words, phrases, and sentences.
Examples -- 
A favorite part:  "Now he could see the Milky Way, see it as he had never seen it before, a glimmering shroud across the arch of the sky" (95).
"His guardian [Silas] looked almost heartbroken then, and Bod found himself scared, like a child who has woken a sleeping panther" (164).   This reminds me that one of Mowgli's guardians in The Jungle Book was a panther!

A favorite word:  "fetched up"    Meaning: informal to arrive (at) or end up (in)

  💀  Continue to prepare for creating a map of Bod's graveyard. 
         To create an article, "Secrets of the Graveyard Revealed,"  describing the characters. 

  💀 The Graveyard Book --  We got to  Chapter 7, Part 2, 35:13,  page 275 
Sixty minutes left.

If You Were Absent:

See above.  

Total times -- 
Chapter 7:   Part 1 -- 1 hour, 14 minutes
Chapter 7:   Part 2 -- 1 hour, 10 minutes
Chapter 8:   25 minutes

For later:  
Jungle Book Movie:  74:17 
Favreau, Marks,  and producer Brigham Taylor developed the film's story as a balance between Disney's animated adaptation and Kipling's original works, borrowing elements from both into the film. 

Compare -- The novel,The Graveyard Book , with the movie, The Jungle Book.


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