Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Doctor

From wikipedia:
The actors who have played the lead role of the Doctor in the series and the dates of their first and last regular television appearances in the role, are:
ActorIncarnationNo. of
No. of
Original startOriginal end
William HartnellFirst Doctor4134 (29 stories)23 November 19635529 October 196658
Patrick TroughtonSecond Doctor3119 (21 stories)29 October 19664621 June 196949
Jon PertweeThird Doctor5128 (24 stories)3 January 1970508 June 197454
Tom BakerFourth Doctor7172 (41 stories)8 June 19744021 March 198147
Peter DavisonFifth Doctor369 (20 stories)21 March 19812916 March 198432
Colin BakerSixth Doctor331 (8 stories)16 March 1984406 December 198643
Sylvester McCoySeventh Doctor342 (12 stories)7 September 1987446 December 198946
Paul McGannEighth Doctor1 (2 stories)27 May 19963627 May 1996[33]36
Christopher EcclestonNinth Doctor113 (10 stories)26 March 20054118 June 200541
David TennantTenth Doctor347 (36 stories)18 June 2005341 January 201038
Matt SmithEleventh Doctor344 (39 stories)1 January 20102725 December 201331
Peter CapaldiTwelfth Doctor226 (22 stories)25 December 201355Current