Announcements and Reminders for Monday, April 23, 2018:
Thanks for the poems!
If you have not presented yours, please present today.
Sunday, April 22 was Earth Day! Continue to Celebrate Earth! |
Targets for Today:
I can read, think about, and discuss literature.
I can find and enjoy poetry.
I can read, comprehend, and answer questions about the novel Holes.
Today’s Agenda for Monday, April 23, 2018:
1. Present your poem if you did not on Thursday.
2. Individual Reading Time -- Holes, if not finished, or, if finished, your own choice of book.
3. Watch the movie for Holes. Compare the Book and the Movie.
How is Stanley different in the movie than in the book?
Why would the filmmakers have made that choice?
How old was Shia LaBeouf when the movie Holes was made? seventeen
The boy who played Zero was 14.
In the book X-Ray has been at camp for 12 months, but in the movie he says he's been there for 6 months.
In the book, the yellow spotted lizards are green with red eyes, sharp teeth, and eleven yellow spots. -- -- A Yellow Spotted Lizard is a poisonous creature that inhabits the arid wasteland of Green Lake. Each lizard has yellow eyes, black teeth, red-rimmed eyelids, a milky white tongue, greenish skin, and 11 spots - - Chapter 8
In the movie they are a greenish color with normal eyes and a frill.
Nine "Bearded Dragon" lizards were on call for the parts of the lizards in the film. A non-toxic children's finger paint was used on the lizards to make them appear bright in color. Computers helped create some of the lizard action and production created fake life-like lizards for some of the other scenes.
The "yellow spotted lizards" mentioned in the movie do not exist. There are only two venomous lizards in North America: the Gila monster and the Mexican beaded lizard, which live in the American Southwest and northern Mexico. IMDB
In the movie Zero hires a team of agents to find his mom.
In the movie Stanley and Zero become next door neighbors because they split the money from the chest.
In the novel, the Pendanski character is called Mr. Pendanski, while in the film for no apparent reason, he is called Dr. Pendanski.
In the film, Stanley is shown to live with both his parents and his grandfather; he and his grandfather even share a room together. But in the novel, Stanley is only ever mentioned to be living with his parents. There is never any indication in the novel that his grandfather is even still alive, much less that he lives in the same apartment. Also, the novel erroneously labels Stanley's father as Stanley Yelnats II, but in actuality he's Stanley Yelnats III.
Towards the end of the film, all of the boys at Camp Greenlake run to greet Stanley and Zero after they've returned to the camp and X-Ray shares a few emotional words with Stanley just before he and Zero leave. However, in the novel, only the boys from D tent come to greet them, except for X-Ray. He lingers behind the others and then quickly returns to the Wreck Room.
In book and the film, the boys from D tent start calling Stanley 'Caveman' after he has a brief fight with a boy known as 'the lump'. In the film, this happens after Stanley has been at Camp Green Lake for a few days; whereas in the book, it happens at the end of his first day.
Cameo: Louis Sachar: the author of both the novel and the screenplay for this movie appears with his wife and daughter in the scene where Sam is selling onion juice.
At the end of the film it is revealed that Mr. Sir's real name is Marion Sevillo, and that he is a former criminal who has violated his parole by carrying a firearm. None of this was in the book, however as the film's screenplay was written by the author of the book it can be assumed that these details are canon.
In the novel, when Stanley finds the gold tube, ZigZag is the one who notices and asks him about it before Stanley gives it to X-Ray, while in the film, it is Magnet who notices and asks about the tube. Also, in the novel, Stanley decides not to point out the heart shape with the letters K.B. on it, while in the film he doesn't hesitate to point it out to X-Ray and the other boys.
More Poems
from Ian Atwood who found this at Poet: Kelkin?
If You Were Absent:
See above.